What is Hoopla?

Hoopla brings you thousands of movies, television, and music titles for free. There are no costs or hassles. All you need is a library card and a web browser, phone, or tablet.

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With hoopla you can:

  • borrow up to 5 hoopla items per month
  • Movies/TV are yours for 3 days after checkout
  • Play as often as you like within your 3-day loan period
  • hoopla app available for iPad and Android – play within the app
  • Stream over wifi or download to the app for offline watching (great for car rides and plane trips!)

One of the best ways to enjoy hoopla movies is streamed to a TV screen in your home!

What devices/setups can I use?

  • Use AirPlay mirroring to stream to an Apple TV device over Wi-Fi (see video below)
  • Cast to Chromecast (generation 1 & 2, with other versions in development) from iOS and Android
  • Use an HDMI adapter to connect to an HDMI-ready TV and stream from your tablet’s hoopla app via cable
  • Connect your computer to an HDMI-ready TV via cable and stream from your browser
  • Apps or channels are available on Apple TV (4th generation and higher), Android TV (all), Roku (version 7.6.3 an up), and Fire TV (generation 1 & 2, with other versions in development)

Hoopla Help
