Welcome to the ideaMILL

The ideaMILL makerspace, located on the 3rd floor of the Millennium Library, offers community access to new and emerging technologies in a collaborative space. Tinker, collaborate, create, and learn new skills.  The new facility offers people access to a variety of equipment and technology at no cost.


A Makerspace is a place in which people with shared interests can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge.

Here at the ideaMILL you’ll be able to access:

  • High end computers and software including animation software, Blender, Adobe Creative Suite, Moho Pro Illustration, and more.
  • Digitization Equipment
  • Sound Booths
  • Video and Photo equipment
  • 3D printers
  • Crafting tools
  • Sewing Machines and more…

Make your idea a reality!


Got a question? Give us a call at 204-986-5543 or search below!